GIMP GAP - the animation addon for GIMP is reported to not be fully working. I don't have any more time to spend hand installing DLLs to find out what went wrongm and by that point I wanted to throw something at the computer. There is a workaround in the link below for the installed version involving replacing libtiff-3.dll but I didn't get it to work for me the one time I try.

The workaround: If you use portableapps installer to install GIMP as a portable application then install UFRAW over the top this does not happen. What happens is that if you try to open a TIFF you get application errors from tiff-file-load.exe. Except that if you actually install GIMP then install UFRAW it breaks the ability to open TIFF files giving an error.
The workaround: You have to install in the same directory as GIMP on a 64 bit system. However the GIMP installer forcing the 64 bit version without giving the user a choice contributes. This is in part due to the UFRAW Author's hate of Windows and refusal to support Windows. I HATE it when choice is removed from the user. It forces 64 bit if you're on a 64 bit system (which I'm told breaks some plugins - like PSPI - the plugin that lets you run some Photoshop plugins within GIMP). The installer doesn't let you pick 32 or 64 bit. Then it takes a REALLY long time compared to GIMP 2.6 to actually perform the rotation. Now it will only rotate in certain increments, rounding to the nearest one it will actually do if you move off the dialog. You use to be able to set an arbitrary angle of rotation. GEGL library for transformations etc are a joke! They are slow and give less control than the old version of the function they replace. Here's what I found in a handful of hours of use. Firefox and GIMP are 2 open source projects that were so good when I think of what the developers have done to them I almost want to cry. I'm guessing the only reason others don't have issues is that they never open RAW files or do anything more than play with curves/levels, saturation and built in sharpening filters.
I work as a computer programmer, have an IT degree, and play with all kinds of software in what free time I have. Instead of messing with Hubble Telescope data and blending images I spent at least 2.5 hours on this crud! Note that I'm no computer newbie. I spent hours discovering these and finding workarounds. I would say there's little right with it, especially on Windows. With the recent 2.8.2 update, there's little I would say a problem with GIMP.